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The Spaghetti Detective Mobile App Is Coming! And It'll Be FREE!

· 4 min read

Many TSD users have made it clear in their survey responses (big shout-out to everyone who gave us your feedback by filling out the survey) that the next cool thing they want the most is a The Spaghetti Detective mobile app.

So this is exactly what we will do. We will build a TSD mobile app! And we will make it available on both Android and iOS!

Features included in the TSD mobile app

We are still working on the final plan, but we are pretty sure these features will be included:

  • Webcam streaming. If you are a Pro plan subscriber, it'll be 25 fps premium streaming. If you are a free user, it'll be the slower 1-frame-per-10-second streaming. In any case, everyone will get webcam streaming on their TSD mobile app!

  • Printer controls. Turn on/off heaters. Change their temperatures. Move the print head. Probably more.

  • Notification on your phone. Get notified with a native push notification when a failure is detected, or when the status of your print job changes. You can customize what kinds of notifications you are interested in receiving.

  • Print job status real-time update on the lock screen. Probably with a webcam feed thumbnail. This will allows you to take a glance at your printer feed without even unlocking your phone. This is a stretch goal. It may not be doable on both Android and iOS.

TSD mobile app will be FREE

Yes you heard it right! We have made the decision to make TSD mobile app FREE of charge!

This was not an easy decision. Building a mobile app for both Android and iOS is a lot of work. This means all TSD team members will pitch in many hours of free time they could otherwise spend with their families and friends. We will also need to hire a consultant to work on the parts that none of the team members are currently skilled at. But we want to make the mobile app accessible to as many 3D printing hobbyists as possible. And we know the best way to do it is to make it free!

We estimate the overall cost of building The Spaghetti Detective mobile app will be about $4,000. We think (hope?) 25% of the cost can be funded by donations, and the remaining 75% can be funded by showing ads in the app.

Please crowd-fund this project with your donation!

No one likes ads. If we have 400 users donating $10 each, we won't even have to show ads!

So please consider supporting this project by donating to us! If you donate $10 or more, we will remove the ads for you.

As the matter of fact, if you make a donation before September 10th 2020,

  • you only need to donate $5 or more to get the ads-free experience!
  • you will have early access whenever the app is ready for beta testing.

Please click the button below to go to the donation page:

Questions you may have

When will the app be released?

The current plan is to have an Early-Access version available for beta testing in 2-3 months.

It'll take another 1 month or longer to get all bugs fixed, and to get the app approved by the app stores. So optimistically we can expect to have the app ready for download in the app stores by the end of this year.

How do I get early access to the beta testing version?

If you are currently a Pro plan subscriber, you have made $5 or more donation using the button above before September 10th 2020, you will automatically get the early access. Whenever the beta version is ready, you will receive an invitation email with the detailed instructions to download and install the app.

I am already a TSD Pro plan subscriber. Should I still donate $10 or more to get ads removed?

No! All Pro subscribers will enjoy the ads-free experience. As long as you keep your subscription active, you won't see any ads in the app. This is just a small gesture from us to say "thank you for having supported us!".