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Printer API

GET /api/v1/printers/


Query parameters

  • with_archived: Boolean. Default to false. Whether or not archived printer need to be returned.



  • Code: 200
  • Body: A List of Printer objects.

GET /api/v1/printers/{:id}/


Query parameters




  • Code: 200
  • Body: A Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

PATCH /api/v1/printers/{:id}/

Partial update of the Printer object specified by {:id}


Query parameters



JSON representation of the Printer object, except the following read-only fields:

  • id.
  • created_at. Always the timestamp when the printer is created.
  • not_watching_reason. Automatically derived based on the watching rules.
  • pic. Check the Websocket for how this field is set.
  • status. Check the Websocket for how this field is set.
  • settings. Check the Websocket for how this field is set.
  • current_print. Check the Websocket for how this field is set.
  • normalized_p. Check the Websocket for how this field is set.
  • auth_token. System-generated.



  • Code: 200
  • Body: A Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

DELETE /api/v1/printers/{:id}/

Delete the Printer object specified by {:id}



  • Code: 200
  • Body: Empty.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

POST /api/v1/printers/{:id}/cancel_print

Cancel the current print on the Printer object specified by {:id}





  • Code: 200
  • Body: An Object
    • succeeded. true if the cancel command was successfully sent to the printer. Please note this doesn't mean the cancel command is successfully executed in the client. false if the command failed for any reason, such as the printer is not currently printing.
    • printer The updated Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

POST /api/v1/printers/{:id}/pause_print

Pause the current print on the Printer object specified by {:id}





  • Code: 200
  • Body: An Object
    • succeeded. true if the pause command was successfully sent to the printer. Please note this doesn't mean the cancel command is successfully executed in the client. false if the command failed for any reason, such as the printer is not currently printing.
    • printer The updated Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

POST /api/v1/printers/{:id}/resume_print

Resume the current print on the Printer object specified by {:id}





  • Code: 200
  • Body: An Object
    • succeeded. true if the resume command was successfully sent to the printer. Please note this doesn't mean the cancel command is successfully executed in the client. false if the command failed for any reason, such as the printer is not currently printing.
    • printer The updated Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

POST /api/v1/printers/{:id}/mute_current_print

Mute (temporarily disable failure detection for the rest of the print) the current print on the Printer object specified by {:id}





  • Code: 200
  • Body: An Object
    • succeeded. true if the mute command was successfully sent to the printer. Please note this doesn't mean the cancel command is successfully executed in the client. false if the command failed for any reason, such as the printer is not currently printing.
    • printer The updated Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404

POST /api/v1/printers/{:id}/acknowledge_alert

Acknowledge an failure alert for the current print on the Printer object specified by {:id}





  • Code: 200
  • Body: An Object
    • succeeded. true if the acknowledge command was successfully sent to the printer. Please note this doesn't mean the cancel command is successfully executed in the client. false if the command failed for any reason, such as the printer is not currently printing.
    • printer The updated Printer object.

Not found

When the printer specified by the {:id} doesn't exist, or the access is not authorized by the authenticated user.

  • Code: 404