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Re-link Klipper-based printer

If you don't need to change to a different Obico server

Re-linking process is very similar to the initial setup process.

  1. SSH to the Raspberry Pi (or other SBC) your Klipper runs on.
  2. Run:
    cd ~/moonraker-obico
  1. You will be asked to confirm your Moonraker host and port, exactly the same the initial setup process.
  2. The installation script will bring you to the final step to enter the 6-digit code. Find the code in the same way as in the initial setup process.

If you need change to a different Obico server

Change the Obico server setting

  1. Open moonraker-obico.cfg in Mainsail/Fluidd.
  2. Change the url = line inside the [server] section. Remember the format should be http(s)://full_server_domain_name_or_ip_address:port_if_not_80
  3. SSH to the Raspberry Pi (or other SBC) your Klipper runs on.
  4. Run:
    cd ~/moonraker-obico
  1. You will be asked to confirm your Moonraker host and port, exactly the same the initial setup process.
  2. The installation script will bring you to the final step to enter the 6-digit code. Find the code in the same way as in the initial setup process.