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How to Install Klipper Using KIAUH - Klipper Install and Update Helper

· 11 min read


Klipper is quickly becoming the de-facto choice for fast 3D printing. 3D printer manufacturers such as Voron and Prusa3D have contributed to its popularity by using firmware in their machines. And as Klipper's completely open-source and free-to-use, you can install it virtually on any 3D printer, old or new.

In this article, we'll go over the installation process of setting up the Klipper firmware using the Klipper Installation And Update Helper (KIAUH). It's an effortless and interesting way to install Klipper on your 3D printer.

Let's start Klipping!

How to Access OctoPrint Over the Internet (Safely and Securely)

· 10 min read

We're sure you've often thought about accessing OctoPrint over the internet and that too from anywhere in the world from any device. Controlling your 3D printer over a local network is simple, whereas establishing a remote connection is more difficult. If you're curious about how it's done easily, you've come to the right place

This article addresses this question and provides a how-to guide for accessing OctoPrint while away from home.

What is OctoPrint?

OctoPrint is one of the best free and open-source 3D printer remote monitoring and control software applications. It allows you to better manage your 3D printer activities and run it more efficiently. The software with its wide range of plugins enhances your 3D printing output.

If you are new to OctoPrint, you can get started by reading our guide on how to set up OctoPrint.

How does it work?

OctoPrint is typically run on a Raspberry Pi that is linked to your 3D printer. It connects to your 3D printer via USB cable and essentially takes control of it. It can send commands to control and operate the 3D printer. These can range from simple tasks like moving the printhead in the three axes or starting/stopping prints to more complex tasks like converting linear g-codes to arc codes, accessing your 3D printer from remote locations, even outside your local network, and more.

In short, OctoPrint simplifies and gives you more control over your 3D printer operations, allowing you to print more efficiently.

To run OctoPrint, OctoPi, an OctoPrint image preconfigured for the Raspberry Pi with pre-installed OctoPrint, mjpg-streamer as a webcam server, and a couple of scripts is commonly used to allow for simple initial setup.

Why is a remote access solution for OctoPrint needed?

This question has been addressed in several articles about the need for an OctoPrint remote access solution. To understand this, consider a situation in which you start a print and monitor it to ensure that it does not fail, but you suddenly need to go out for work. But as you leave the house, one question lingers in your mind: what's going on with my print?

We've all been there, and this is just one example of when a remote access solution comes in handy.

But did you know that OctoPrint is only available on your local network?

While what we said is correct, it is also true that there are multiple ways to access OctoPrint over the internet to give you access from anywhere, which we will discuss in this article.

Before we proceed, if you are the inquisitive type and want to understand why you can't use OctoPrint anywhere but on your local network? Then read our article on Accessing OctoPrint Remotely, which will explain the issue.

3D Printer Firmware - Klipper Vs. Marlin Firmware

· 11 min read


3D printers are a mere assembly of various stepper motors, controllers, and structural components. It is the 3D printer's firmware that ties everything together and brings your digital gcode file into the physical world.

Marlin was the first 3D printer firmware developed way back in 2011 for FDM 3D printers. Erik Van Der Zalm designed it for Ultimaker 3D printers which used 8-bit microcontrollers. Since 2011, Marlin has come a long way, and several 3D printers worldwide use some variant of the Marlin for their functioning.

But, in 2016, Kevin O'Connor released the Klipper firmware as an alternative to Marlin. Klipper promises high-speed 3D printing, better print quality, and several other features superior to Marlin. And it has grown tremendously since the first release and is quickly becoming the go-to firmware choice for many 3D printing hobbyists and manufacturers alike.

In this article, we'll compare Marlin and Klipper's firmware based on various criteria and understand the differences between these two. It should help you make an informed decision and choose the one that best matches your needs.

Let's get started.

Installing Klipper (and Fluidd) on Your Ender 3 - Setup and Configuration

· 14 min read


Klipper firmware has become the go-to choice for high-speed 3D printing on a budget. It integrates the computing power of a Raspberry Pi with your 3D printer's controller to give you a clean, smooth, and fast 3D printing experience.

As Klipper is merely a firmware, you need an interface to interact with your 3D printer. Mainsail OS, Octoprint, and Fluidd are the three popular types of Klipper interfaces that are easy to use and help you to take full benefits of Klipper's features. We already have a guide that details the procedure of installing Klipper on an Ender 3 with Mainsail OS.

In this article, we'll go over the step-by-step procedure to install Klipper on an Ender 3, but with the Fluidd web interface. Read along to find the benefits of Fluidd and Klipper on your 3D printer.

Frequently Asked Questions About OctoPrint - All You Need to Know

· 10 min read

Can't find a Raspberry Pi? Check out Orange Pi for OctoPrint. Boards and complete kits are available now!

If you are new to OctoPrint, then you have come to the right place. We bring you a detailed FAQ guide that will answer all of your burning questions about OctoPrint to help you get started.

Table of Contents


What is OctoPrint?

OctoPrint Interface/Courtesy: OctoPrint

OctoPrint is a free and open-source software application that allows you to monitor and control your 3D printer from a remote location. It's typically installed on a Raspberry Pi board and connected to a 3D printer. Many users chose the software because of its simplicity and ease of use, and the features and functionality it offers to enhance the overall 3D printing experience.

OctoPrint was created and is maintained by Gina Häußge, a German software engineer. Since its launch in 2012, it has evolved into a tool for users to improve their 3D printing experience. The software can now assist you in wireless 3D printing, monitoring and controlling 3D printers and even print farms from anywhere in the world, slicing 3D models, detecting failures, receiving notifications, and much more.

Octoprint Plugins for 3D Printer Status Notifications

· 9 min read

OctoPrint is a free, open-source program that enables you to remotely control and monitor your 3D printer. And with the right plugins, you can also get 3D printer status notifications. Octoprint was developed a decade ago in 2012 by German software engineer Gina Häußge and is commonly run on a Raspberry Pi single-board computer (SBC).

With OctoPrint, you can move the bed and extruder, control the temperature, and more. Even better, you can use a mobile app or a cloud server to set up job scheduling and keep a close watch on its progress. You may even see your print work live from anywhere in the world if you connect a webcam. While running a 3D printing farm, its advantages become even more prominent.

OctoPrint not only simplifies everything, but it also boosts the quality of 3D printing.

All the features are possible because of its large repository of Plugins allowing users to go above and beyond.

However, when you install the necessary plugins that provide 3D printer status notifications, all of the capabilities are enhanced.

Why would you want OctoPrint 3D printer status notifications?

We all lead busy lives, and few people would have the luxury of being close to their printer during print jobs. When a print begins and you are not present, it might be unsettling to not know how the print is progressing.

This is where notifications come into play. A simple email or text message is enough to put our minds at ease.

Although many plugins offer notification support, not all plugins are created equal.

We're here to help you in choosing the best plugin for 3D printer status notification that will undoubtedly enhance your 3D printing experience. Keep reading to learn about a number of different ways to get 3D printer notifications using OctoPrint.

Mainsail Vs. Fluidd Vs. OctoPrint - A Comparison

· 15 min read

What are Mainsail, Fluidd, and OctoPrint?

Mainsail, Fluidd, and OctoPrint are web interfaces for 3D printers that let you monitor and control your printer remotely. These software provide an easy way to interact with your printers and give you access to various features that enhance the remote user experience of 3D printing.

Fluidd and Mainsail OS are explicitly developed to run with Klipper firmware on your 3D printers. These software act as a communication bridge between you and your 3D printer and give you a way to monitor, control, and interact with your 3D printer wirelessly.

In contrast, Octoprint is developed as a generic 3D printer control software that gives you wireless access to your 3D printers. It can run on various firmware, including Klipper, and is developed specifically for remote 3D printing. Like Mainsail and Fluidd, Octoprint, too, runs in a web browser interface and has several plugins that extend the software’s usability.

All three of these software are free to download and completely open-source, contributing to their fast development and suite of excellent features. This article will explain all three software in detail and learn their differences and similarities.

Let’s get started.

How to Install Klipper on the Ender 3 (With Mainsail OS)

· 14 min read

Klipper has recently caught many eyeballs with its fantastic features and utility for 3D printing. It's a firmware that runs off a Raspberry Pi board and lets you execute high-speed 3D printing and extract the most out of your 3D printer. It has improved motion planning and precise stepper motor control and delivers excellent print quality with a slight tuning.

You can find several ways of setting up Klipper for any 3D printer. But, in this guide, we'll understand the entire process of installing Klipper on an Ender 3 3D printer using the Mainsail OS and Raspberry Pi imager. Together, Klipper and Ender 3 are one of the most popular combos, and once you grasp the idea, it's easy to emulate it for other 3D printers.

Without any further adieu, let's get started, Klipping.

What is Klipper?

Klipper is a free and open-source 3D printer firmware that runs using your printer's controller board and an external processing unit, usually a Raspberry Pi board. It's maintained by Kevin O Connor on GitHub but has contributions from several other developers. The first version was released in 2016, and the Klipper firmware has evolved considerably over the years.

It utilizes the extra processing power of the Pi to compute, execute and run your 3D printer at faster speeds with higher precision. Voron 3D printers are famous for their fast print speeds and printing quality, and these printers use a customized version of the Klipper firmware to run at speeds above 200 mm/s with minimal loss in print quality.

Its open-source nature and strong community have significantly contributed to its list of features, and the current Klipper firmware offers far more than fast print speeds.

Why should you install Klipper on your 3D printer?

The Raspberry Pi's extra computing power helps Klipper compute, execute and deliver precise stepper motor motion. It finely calculates and controls the movement of your stepper motor, ensuring a smooth printing process.

Its 'Smooth pressure advance' feature predicts the filament pressure in the nozzle and reduces the filament flow when the nozzle reaches the end of an edge or line. This function reduces filament oozing and minimizes the stringing effects at high print speeds.

Klipper readily works with Octoprint, supports multiple controllers on a single 3D printer, and is widely available for all 3D printers. It can transform an old and slow 3D printer into a fast machine that can easily put up with the latest high-end 3D printers.

Now that we have an overview of Klipper and its features let's dive into setting it up with the Mainsail OS for an Ender 3 3D printer.

What is Klipper Firmware and Why Would You Want it?

· 11 min read

Klipper Firmware/Courtesy: Klipper

Every electronic device is made up of three parts: hardware, software, and firmware. While the first two are more well-known, it is the firmware that connects the hardware to the software. Klipper is one such 3D printer firmware setup that uses Raspberry Pi to work alongside your 3D printer's mainboard. Klipper firmware is relatively new, and we intend to explain what it is and why you need it.

What is Klipper 3D printer firmware?

We're sure you've heard of the Marlin firmware. This is the most popular and widely used 3D printer firmware. In fact, your 3D printer or printers must be running on a Marlin firmware. We are certain of it. And why not? It was one of the first and most widely used firmware that delivered consistent results.

But did you know there are several alternatives to Marlin? Yes, there are, and the Klipper 3D printer firmware is one such option that is becoming increasingly popular due to the benefits it provides.

Klipper is an open-source 3D printer firmware developed by Kevin O'Connor, the original author and current maintainer of Klipper. It allows interaction between your 3D printer hardware, such as motors and sensors, and software, such as slicers, in order to understand the gcode commands used to 3D print an object.

It differs from traditional 3D printer firmware, which runs on a single mainboard. Klipper is designed to work with a 3D printer mainboard and a single-board computer, such as a Raspberry Pi to eliminate the issues of low computing power. Klipper works in tandem with the Raspberry Pi and uses the extra computing power to assist the mainboard in processing commands, allowing you to print more quickly and precisely.

How to Choose the Best Camera for Octolapse

· 13 min read

We know you all enjoy timelapse videos in which everything appears to run fast. With reference to OctoPrint, a timelapse video would refer to the videos where the product appears to grow out of thin air. It is almost surreal, which is what makes it all the more appealing. You may know how to create a timelapse, also called Octolapse, but do you know the best camera for an Octolapse? Well, choosing a camera itself is complicated, let alone the best one.

Well, we have decided to list down a few good ones to help you choose the best camera for Octolapse.

What is Octolapse?

Double Spiral Vase Timelapse - Octolapse/Courtesy: FormerLurker