Mainsail Vs. Fluidd Vs. OctoPrint - A Comparison
What are Mainsail, Fluidd, and OctoPrint?​
Mainsail, Fluidd, and OctoPrint are web interfaces for 3D printers that let you monitor and control your printer remotely. These software provide an easy way to interact with your printers and give you access to various features that enhance the remote user experience of 3D printing.
Fluidd and Mainsail OS are explicitly developed to run with Klipper firmware on your 3D printers. These software act as a communication bridge between you and your 3D printer and give you a way to monitor, control, and interact with your 3D printer wirelessly.
In contrast, Octoprint is developed as a generic 3D printer control software that gives you wireless access to your 3D printers. It can run on various firmware, including Klipper, and is developed specifically for remote 3D printing. Like Mainsail and Fluidd, Octoprint, too, runs in a web browser interface and has several plugins that extend the software’s usability.
All three of these software are free to download and completely open-source, contributing to their fast development and suite of excellent features. This article will explain all three software in detail and learn their differences and similarities.
Let’s get started.